Halls Of The Things

Title Label Cover

Amstrad CPC

Halls Of The Things · Cassette · 1985
Design Design
Halls Of The Things · Floppy Disk 3' · 1985
Design Design

Commodore 64/128

Halls Of The Things · Cassette · 1984
Design Design

ZX Spectrum

Halls of The Things · Cassette · 1983
Crystal Computing
Halls Of The Things · Cassette · 1984


Halls of the Things is a video game developed by Design Design for the ZX Spectrum and released by Crystal Computing in 1983. It was ported to the Amstrad CPC amd Commodore 64. The player travels through seven floors of a tower, searching for seven rings, with each floor being a complex maze of corridors and rooms. Once the player has the rings they must then find the magical key hidden in the dungeon, which opens the drawbridge allowing the player to escape. To hinder the player's progress they are attacked by "things," but the player is armed with a sword, arrows, fireballs and lightning to aid you in the quest.




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Commodore 64/128 · Design Design

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